Overseas Exports and Imports
Through the processing of raw materials by local partner companies for imports and the provision of high-quality domestic materials for exports,
we flexibly respond to the diverse needs of our customers and support their global business development.
About importing from abroad
Introduction of chinese tea import business
We import Chinese teas (Oolong tea/Jasmine tea/ etc.) on behalf of our customers.We import by container and can accommodate requests
from several tons.
from several tons.
Importing countries
- China
Imports results
- Oolong tea
- Jasmine tea
- Pu-erh tea
- Tea flower etc.

About exporting to overseas
Introduction of export business
We export high-quality domestic materials to local Japanese corporations and overseas manufacturers.Our products are used in local beverages and food products, and are highly evaluated.By ensuring a stable supply system, we support the expansion of your business in overseas markets.
Exporting countries
- America
- China
- Thailand
Exports results
- Roasted rice
- Roasted barley
- Roasted rice powder etc.

Please click here for frequently
asked questions
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions from our customers.
We hope you will take advantage of this service if you have any problems.
We hope you will take advantage of this service if you have any problems.